Clarity and consistency of messages are the emphasis of the programs Kohn Public Relations conducts on behalf of clients. Programs begin by developing differentiated corporate and product positioning and targeted messages to reach all constituencies – editors, market analysts, customers, and partners

From messaging comes program planning to identify activities that will be most effective to meet long and short-term corporate and marketing goals.

Tying it all together is market monitoring. When your company’s goals and objectives change to meet changing market conditions, so must your program.

Public Relations Services

Strategic Counsel  Provide the management team with ongoing strategy and planning to address corporate and market developments.

Positioning  Work closely with the management team to develop positioning statements that uniquely differentiate your company in the marketplace. Support those statements with messages targeted to key constituencies

Press Materials  Develop and distribute press releases, articles for business and trade publications, company and technology backgrounders and executive biographies.

Media Relations  Ongoing contact with business and trade editors and market analysts. Outreach includes pitching company-related news and industry-trend stories, managing product reviews with key publications, and developing and tracking editorial calendars

Press Tours and Media Events  Arrange press tours and media events to promote significant new products and services, technologies and strategic alliances. Work with marketing, engineering and other key personnel to develop and implement all program activities.

Speaker Placement  Identify speaking opportunities for management at trade shows, industry seminars, trade association meetings and other special events.

Global Programs  Contract with overseas agencies to carry your messages to other parts of the globe. Direct agencies’ efforts to insure consistency in communicating corporate and product messages.

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